Trust, perhaps it is the most important...
But... what if you don’t trust the person you thought you love...
Is it still “love”?
Is it really possible that love would exist without trusting?
Do you really love despite the fact that deep within you there is doubt?
You feel it, the one you been longing...
Happy as you wished you can be... but never contented.
Everything seems real... you almost believe... you tried to...
Yet you’re still seeking for assurance...
Security, perhaps...
You thought you can be protected by someone else...
But you ended up protecting yourself...
Because you can’t consider another mistake
Scared... of what? Of trusting and believing?
There is no one to trust... no one...
Words... extravagant unreal
Actions... promises... plans... it will never be a reality
Trust, mysterious as it is...You know you need it, but you don’t have it.
Originally poster at